Why Waive Your Home Inspection?
The real estate market is hot. Too hot! In this competitive market, many buyers are up against multiple offers, all-cash offers, and competition who are waiving inspections in order to get their offer accepted.
As a home inspection company, we think waiving inspections is never a good idea. But we also understand the reality that many buyers. are facing when trying to get into a new home.
We Waived Inspections, can we still get one?
Many people think that once you waive the inspection as part of your offer, there’s no reason to get one later. This is a common misconception. The home inspection and report are more than just negotiating tools during the real estate purchasing process.
There are many reasons a home inspection can be a great tool even when it’s not being used to negotiate, such as:
- The home inspector will teach you how to “operate” your home. You’ll learn when and how to maintain the systems in the home to maximize their life and best practices for using the systems properly.
- You’ll have the opportunity to ask your inspector as many questions as you like. This can help you feel confident and knowledgeable when you move in.
- The report, especially the summary, can be used as a home improvement checklist.
- The report and the inspector can help uncover any defects that need to be addressed immediately. This helps protect your family and investment and let you know what can be put off for a while.
- The report can also act as a guide for budgeting for home improvement costs.
Why Choose Liberty?
Getting your home inspected with Liberty, even after you’ve moved in, is a great way to educate and empower yourself. You’ll gain information to maintain your home. You’ll also save yourself some time and money when it comes to items in need of repair or replacement.
Because Liberty Is Long Term, you can reach out to your inspector for as long as you live in your home, which can give you peace of mind.